Herne Hill Forum AGM 30th March

AGM and EGM Tues 30th March 2021

Busy on the 30th March at 6.30pm?

We can’t promise the fireworks of Handforth Parish Council but our combined AGM & EGM might still be the thrill you’ve been missing. Maybe.

Our last AGM was in the summer of 2019 and we’ve written a report about what the Forum has been doing in the interim. A few highlights are –

The meeting will also vote on a special resolution to permit the Forum to become a registered charity (a Charitable Incorporated Organisation). This will boost our chances of grant funding and give us the benefits of limited liability status and Charity Commission support going forwards.

Given that the meeting will be ‘virtual’ could we ask for all questions, suggestions, observations, motions or the like to be submitted in advance by email to info@hernehillforum.org.uk.

The meeting will be held via zoom on Tuesday 30 March at 6.30pm. If you would like to attend and vote at the meeting, you’ll need to register as a member. Since the introduction of GDPR, we cannot assume that those registered on our mailing list also wish to be members, hence we ask you to take this quick confirmatory step. If you already receive our newsletter you will be prompted to update your profile – click the link and add yourself as a member.

The agenda and appendices are available to view here.

** UPDATE **

We have received four motions from Members, see below. Please note that the Herne Hill Forum cannot vouch for the accuracy of the statements within documents that have not been written and approved by the Committee.

Motion proposed by Yan Hawkins, seconded by Kelly ben-Maimon

Motion proposed by Ruth Colvin, seconded by Kelly ben-Maimon

Motion proposed by Mike Colvin, seconded by Yan Hawkins

Motion proposed by Maria Hawkins, seconded by Kelly ben-Maimon