Do-good Small Grants

St Judes school children painting Brockwell Passage in Herne Hill

Herne Hill Forum are looking to support projects that promote wellbeing in the SE24 neighbourhood.  The committee have decided that the best way is to make grants available to people who have projects that they wish to deliver, but cannot do so for lack of funds.

Accordingly we have decided to make grants of up to £500 to qualifying projects. If you would like to receive such a grant then please complete the digital form detailing the project. One of the team will be in touch and may request  further details before presenting the idea at the next meeting of the HHF committee for approval. The committee meets monthly.

What sort of projects are most likely to receive approval ?

  1. Ones that reach out to those in our community who are disadvantaged in any way.
  2. One off projects, as opposed to situations/projects that need repeated or continuous funding.
  3. Projects where we are funding on a matched funding basis.

The criteria is purposefully broad and can cover anything that benefits the local community: from the establishment of a community choir to planting and maintaining an unloved tree pit.

If the request is not approved we may make suggestions as to how to modify it to make approval more likely.