Many of us would like to get involved in community projects but don’t quite know how. Public meetings can be daunting and websites can only go so far. So, once a year we try (funding permitting) to arrange an informal knees-up so that anyone interested in our activities and projects can meet to get a better feel for who we are and what we do. It is also an opportunity for our Committee members to hear your views directly and discuss how better to do things.
The Community Knees-up is also a great way of deciding if you want to get involved with the Forum as a volunteer, member, committee member or officer. 90% of the enjoyment of any job you do is down to the people you do it with and there’s no better place than a pub to decide if you like what you see and hear.
In February, 2020 the Half Moon pub offered us their Workshop for free (thanks very much Matt and Ann-Marie) and a great night ensued. Please sign-up to our newsletter to see if Fuller’s generosity will extend into 2021.